Saturday 23 March 2013

That time I borrowed a cows heart valve.

I hope this will help anyone who has to go for open heart surgery, I had lots of help through it all and without the support and advice I was given I wouldn't be feeling so much better now! So, here's what happened to me...

When I was born I had to have Surgery to correct Pulmonary Stenosis (one of the valves in my heart was very narrow and needed making bigger), this happened by putting a tube in my vein in my leg and blowing it up, no scary open surgery as a baby, that was handy. Anyway, that was all good and well and didn't really affect me until I was 18, When the doctors told me I'd have to have my Pulmonary Valve replaced with a half mechanical half cow valve. Naturally, as you probably did when you found out, I had a massive cry and spent a long time feeling sorry for myself! It took a year and a half for me to get to the top of the waiting list.
The first time I got a phonecall I had a cold and wasn't allowed to go, much to my relief at the time. Be prepared for this, if you're ill or there's an emergency they may have to cancel.
The second time, I went to the hospital and stayed overnight, got all ready for the op with the gown on and everything, then it got cancelled.
The third time (you'll enjoy this), I freaked out cus I was terrified, my parents tried to get me to calm down and go. I grabbed my car keys and ran out the house in just my boxers and drove for miles til my dad text me saying it was cancelled, stupid move haha.

Anyway, 4th time lucky. 

The night before SUCKED, Nerves and stuff. Best thing I can suggest for this is to distract yourself with something! Facebook, Tv or something like that. Not much to say about this. They bring you in the night before your surgery to do all the checks and also after a certain time you are "Nil By Mouth", this means you can't eat or drink, the eating part isn't hard with the nerves haha.

The morning of my operation came. The surgeon came to see me, he was really nice which gave me confidence. The nurses make you wash in this soap that smells weird but it's so you're clean for the operation. Then you put your gown on and wait. I can honestly say this is the worst part of the whole experience, trust me, Once you've fallen asleep you've done the hard part :)
Count down from 10,9,8,7....gone.

I woke up in intensive care, feeling groggy but instantly hungry! The feeling of relief is so good when you wake up! My chest felt quite tight but I was just so happy it was done. The nurses were lovely, they brought me ice cream and spent all night putting up with me whilst I rambled on about complete rubbish because of the morphine, which I must add, is amazing stuff. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the next few days, but here's what happened.

Don't feel like you're gonna have days of doing nothing, as soon as you wake up you'll realise you don't have to worry anymore, then its game on! I managed to get up and into a chair on the first day, I asked to go for a walk and they laughed, rightly so.

Day 2 - Much of the same, more ice cream and morphine. The pain wasn't bad at all really! I was happy enough. The only bit that sucked was the removal of the drain. This is a tube just above your belly button that is draining fluid from your chest. There's no point me lying about this, it does hurt.  But once it's done, that's easily the worst of the pain out the way. They take your catheter out too but that's nothing. I then got moved to the ward.
Day 3 - Now I was in the ward I could get moving! You have to wear stockings for 6 weeks after (check the picture, not the coolest look). Also please note, I was happy at this point, I put the sad face on for the picture haha. I had proper food and although it hurt to get up, with help from the nurses I was able to get up and move to the chair.

Day 4 - I continued to get my strength back, I was able to walk further now, I didn't need the oxygen anymore which was nice. The wires in the picture above are clipped to wires that are checking what my heart is up to. Felt a little bit sick but the nurses have this awesome anti sickness stuff they give you and give it a minute and you feel okay again, genius.

 The worst of everything was over, I starting to be able to really get my independence back, I could get up and walk okay. It did hurt but no where near as much as I had imagined before I had the op! If you're nervous about your operation, Trust me, by day 4 I was having a party in my head because I felt great because the worst really was over and I felt good. I had heard I may go home  the following day, me and my Mum were pretty excited.
Day 5 - I was really hoping to go home today! The nurses took out the last of the wires out of me (the ones checking my heart). I was then allowed to go for a shower! Best feeling ever, look forward to it! They then took the dressing off my scar and I saw it for the first time. Weird at first, but it soon became normal. The doctor visited and said I could go home that evening. I got dressed and waited and sure enough that night we went home, job done!   
Day 6 - I was home! Loving life, things were getting better. I was still in pain when I got in and out of bed but walking wasn't bad. Try and avoid sneezing, that's the worst! One thing to remember is even though it hurts, nothing beats the feeling of knowing it's all done and you're through it.

Day 7 - Really started to feel better, I knew it was only up from here. You will probably still feel pain physically, but mentally, you'll feel awesome. I was eating pizza and drinking coke and everything other than my ribs hurting, was pretty normal. The only strange thing I felt was sometimes my heart rate would go really quick, but that is common.

The next few weeks were pretty boring, but slowly everything got less painful. As one pain went away, another would turn up, but nothing really bad. Bit like back pain, easily manageable with paracetamol. They put me on water tablets which just aren't fun. I'm at 6 weeks now and I don't feel any pain in my chest or neck. I am now allowed to drive, I don't feel out of breath anymore and in a couple of weeks I'll be back at work!

I hope this has helped you if you're nervous about having open heart surgery. I was so nervous I ran away from home in just my boxers aged 20, how embarrassing haha! But it was no where near as bad as I built it up to be in my head, be strong and fight your way though it and you won't believe how strong you can be when you need to be.
If you need any help or have any questions that I may be able to answer, feel free to ask!

My email is :

Fire away!

Thankyou for reading, and good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Very good account of your experiences which will help others who have not as yet had their surgery.
